Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Though it tarries... It will surely come to pass

God is not man that He should lie.
Faithful is He


Though the vision you have in your

heart and mind tarries


Though you feel like giving up


IT will not lie.

Someday, the dream you have will grow a voice, and it will speak.

You won't need to speak for it anymore.

Just wait.

My dream spoke.



James said...

Amen,as i wait

olusimeon said...

wow..just read John Maxwell on ma twitter saying "U have 2 make a transition from believer of the dream to buyer of the dream. No dream comes true w/o somebody paying 4 it."...
meditation time/....
amen oo..

Giagerry said...

nice and lovely!

aloted said...

hmm yes o...though it tarries it shall surely come

it was kinda hard to read the blue font over the black background.

@simeone- so John Maxwell is on not on it so what would i know :)

Writefreak said...

Hmmm Amen, we just gotta hold on to that dream. It will speak in the end....
John Maxwell on twitter? I shall not be tempted! I am so not going near that thing!

Unknown said...

this just encourages me
though my dream tarries

it will manifest by God's grace (not a cliche) and favor

Anonymous said...

Someday, the dream you have will grow a voice, and it will speak.

You won't need to speak for it anymore.

WOW!!!!! Powerful!!!! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Though, this is not the first tme i have been here. I read yours before just didnt leave a comment. Nice work here!!!

Myne said...

I love your blog. And with God, the patient dog def eats the fattest bone. Nice

David C Brown said...

Very good - we can learn God in waiting with Him.

And the Lord Jesus is waiting; as the hymn writer said:

We well can wait! Thou waitest yet
The word of that dread hour,
Which shall Thy foes for ever set
As footstool of Thy power.

Rita said...

Well said and on time. Thanks.

Jennifer A. said...

Just sent u an email...:)

Admin said...

First time here,nice,keep it up

Anoda Phase said...

lovely...I will wait...I am waiting...thks...

David C Brown said...

A happy new year to you! We've waited for a while now - I trust everything is OK.

Favoured Girl said...

Sweetie, when will you come and dust the cobwebs off your blog? We have been waiting long! lol
Hope you are doing great dear.

~Mimi~ said...

I miss blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :'(

miss you all!!

Writefreak said...

Mimi, we miss you too! Come back!

TWL said...

I found this after crying...waiting is a trial in itself. God bless you and thank you.

Unknown said...

Hey Special :)
I'm one hopeless dreamer myself and waiting is what I do cuz I kind of believe they gonna turn real some day sooner or later!
Nice words.

Love, Risha :)