On the 4th of November, Barack Obama became the President Elect of the United States of America
I just wanted the record shown on my beloved blog.
Yes You Can.
Follow Your Dream.
Yes You Can.
Fulfil Your Destiny.
Don't Let Nobody Tell You anything different.
The road's a lot easier knowing God and having His Support though. Trust me on that one. Cos you know no matter what, you have the Creator of the Universe backing you up if you had Him in on your plans in the first place. it's a powerful position to be in.
I pray for Obama, that he will use the opportunity he has been given wisely.
I'm great. I love life. And I love the opportunities life has to offer. Love is a great thing to have too. It's nice to have someone to share your dreams and plans with, its nice to watch someone also work on their dreams and watch them succeed
*has anyone seen that cute picture of Michelle and Barack sitting @ a coffee table, it makes me warm inside :), i'll find it and post it up :)
I guess I'm just in the mood for record keeping today :)
Love Life and Live Love
* i was going to gist bout something else today but the write up just decided to go its own way. oh well*